Two Day Pool School

  • 16+ hrs. of PBIA Master-level Pool Instruction

  • Suitable for All Skill Levels

  • Focus: Stroke Development, Speed Control, Basic Pattern Play & Mentals of the Game

Two Day Pool School offers a more complete training package and is ideal for players who want to work on their overall pool game. Two Day Pool School includes periods of group lecture where specific techniques and strategies are taught, studied and demonstrated, in order to improve your pool game. Each period will be followed by table time where students have the opportunity to practice techniques on their own table. The cue pool instructors then rotate around the room and provide each student with individual attention, critiques and advice.

Cue Master Pool School guarantees a 3:1 student to instructor ratio, allowing the instructors to provide adequate attention to each student in the class. CMPS' small ratio allows them to welcome all skill levels, including beginners, as they are able to tailor lessons to each student's skill level to ensure everyone is being challenged and developing the necessary skills to play great pool.